plenum 50 wg 250 gr
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Insecticide (Insecticide) Water Dispersible Granule (WG) 50% Pymetrozine

Ş.Aşgabat Berkararlyk. B.Annanow Köçesi 25
plenum 50 wg 250 gr

Mode of Effect

Plenum 50 WG has a new effect mechanism and controls aphids and whiteflies contact and systemically. When the effective substance of the drug "pymetrozine" is taken by pests, their feeding stops immediately and it dies within 2-4 days. Plenum 50 WG is effective on both larvae and adults of whiteflies.

Plenum 50 WG is highly effective on sensitive and resistant species of aphids and whitefly pests. This medicine does not harm the beneficial.

Usage Recommendations

Spraying per leaf; It is started when 4-5 white fly larvae are seen in eggplant, at least 20 aphid nymphs or juveniles are seen in watermelon and tomato, and at least 25 aphid in cotton. In peach, it should be started when at least 7 stewed branches are seen in 50 trees. Spraying is repeated when necessary. The green parts should be covered well with the medicated water, but the medicated water should not be allowed to wash away from the plant. Avoid spraying during the hot hours of the day, when the green parts are wet or when rain is expected.

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