Vega F1 Seed super sweet corn (sh2)
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Medium-ripened hybrid of super sweet corn (sh2) Very strong plant, resistant to lodging. The average height of the plant is 190-200 cm, and the height of the first is 60-70 cm.

Ankara köç. 17, Parahat 3/2 Aşgabat, Türkmenistan
Vega F1 Seed super sweet corn (sh2)

Vega is a mid type (76-80 days), super sweet (sh2) hybrid.

Very strong plant and resistant to bolting.

Average plant height is 190-200 cm and first ear height is 60-70 cm.

The ears are slightly tapered in shape and very attractive.

Yellow kernel color and very good tip filling.

Ear length is 20-22 cm and ear diameter is 5 cm.

Average number of rows generally 16 in a diameter.

Average kernel depth is 10-11 mm.

The average weight of the ear is 300-340 grams.

Taste is very good.

It has very good kernel alignment and very good husk coverage.

Very quality ears and high yielding potential.

High adaptation ability for stress conditions.

Field holding capability is very good before pre harvest.

Long shelf life after harvest.

Suitable for both processing and fresh market.

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